Feng Shui Colors Part 1: Choosing the Right Colors

Feng Shui Colors | Natalia Kaylin

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My clients agree that working with feng shui colors is one of the most effective ways to shift the energy of a space.

“I just finished painting the room and wow what a face lift!!! It looks awesome and so alive!!!”

“We started painting and it feels like the house is transforming with every brush stroke. The energy is different; there is a feeling that the house has been injected with a beautiful, loving energy and I know we will be happy here!”

It is always a joy to experience a beautiful color. I can easily spend an hour standing in front of the color racks in a paint store being totally immersed in all of the different possibilities. Colors will not only create the kind of energy we want to have in the space but will influence our emotions and mood. For example, blues and light greens promote a feeling of relaxation while reds and oranges are energizing. Pink will also feel energizing but in a gentler way than red. Different people have different energetic needs so it is important to understand what you are trying to accomplish when deciding on new colors.

Some colors have light and expansive qualities, making a room feel larger and taller, while others have constrictive qualities and make spaces feel smaller and more grounded. Both are useful. Some colors will exude an emotion of joy and happiness, some will make you feel balanced and peaceful, while others are flat and unemotional.

After years of observation I think I understand why people are attracted to certain colors and what guides their color choices in the home. For example, people who have a lot of energy, project confidence and have no trouble making decisions, will be drawn to more bold and intense colors including reds, purples and oranges. But there is a fine line and going overboard with energetic colors can become overwhelming and produce restlessness and stress. People who have more gentle personalities tend to go with pastels but can usually benefit from a bit of the opposite. Choosing the right color can promote healing. Sometimes I suggest adding a stronger, brighter color to at least one room to start shifting a client’s energy toward more vibrancy and confidence.

To help England win the World Cup famed physicist Stephen Hawking did some serious statistical analysis, logistic regression modeling, using the data from previous games. His advise was: “to win wear red uniforms”! Feng shui is very much in agreement with this. Red color boosts energy and injects you with confidence.

Understanding the energetic qualities of a particular color and knowing what experience you want to create in a particular space should guide your color choices. Selecting colors is a very individual process with no one-size-fits-all rules but these general feng shui color guidelines may be quite useful.

  1. Warm blues or sage greens will contribute to creating relaxed and peaceful atmosphere.
    Appropriate for: living rooms, bedrooms and offices.
    Not appropriate for: kitchens and dining rooms.
  2. Reds, oranges, hot pinks and bright greens will help you feel energized, motivated and creative. Since these are very strong colors sometimes doing just one wall can be enough.
    Appropriate for dining rooms, dens, and some offices.
    Not appropriate for bedrooms.
  3. Yellows are helpful in creating a warm, welcoming, friendly environment where socializing or dining is easy.
    Appropriate for kitchens, dining rooms.
    Not appropriate for bedrooms.
  4. Off whites, creams and light grays will help you feel sharp and organized.
    Appropriate for home offices, hallways, stairways.
  5. For kids’ rooms:
    If your child is shy and not super outgoing use warmer brighter tones (pinks, purples, yellows bright greens)
    If your child is very active use blues and other toned down calmer colors.

It is important to note that the same colors will have different responses in different people.

When I do a feng shui color consultation I do feng shui analysis of the building, the client’s date of birth and ask a lot of questions. This allows me to personalize my recommendations so that the space not only looks good but nourishes and strengthen’s a client’s energy.

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