Feng Shui Pre-Holiday Strategies

Modern interior with fireplace in house near forest | Natalia Kaylin

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With the holiday season fast approaching, now is the ideal time to dedicate a few hours to declutter and organize your home. The entrance and kitchen are two areas that would be the most important to focus on right now. Also, if you tend to keep some unfinished projects on the dining room table, that would be the third area to tackle. I know that this small but mighty act of decluttering and organizing these key areas will bring a sense of spaciousness and peace not just to your home but also to your mind. This will prepare your home for new energy to circulate. And who knows what this will bring? Perhaps some new creative ideas that will turn into a new opportunity? Perhaps more peace and harmony? Better communication within a family? Perhaps it’s whatever you need and want the most?? You can set your intention while you declutter and organize.

Nurture Yourself

Remember, while caring for others this holiday season, it’s important to find some time to nurture yourself, whether it is going for a walk or getting a massage, or doing some yoga or whatever your body and soul wants at this time.  The short days and long nights before Winter Solstice call on us to look inside for introspection and meditation and renewal. What worked really well for me these past years is remembering that holidays are not just about good food and beautiful gifts. It is about exchanging joy, love and peace with our friends and families.

New Holiday Decorations

And about holiday decorations – if you are using the same holiday décor items every year, maybe this is the year to refresh your décor. Perhaps it is time to get something new that gives joy to your heart and coziness to your home? Small things like a vibrant new door mat or a lively plant will do.

As for me, I am getting these Fairy Lights and wrapping them around my indoor trees and placing them in a few vases.

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Also, these Lighted Birch Branches caught my eye. I feel this will uplift my spirits and my home.


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